Welcome to our corners!
When you keep your mind open, new opportunity awaits behind every corner. And when you seize the opportunity, you’ll find the life you’ve been secretly dreaming of. Lush soil for entrepreneurship, long-term employment and space to make your dreams come true. Take a bold move and look around the corner – you’ll get new angles on life!

Discover the energetic municipalities of Power Corner

The town of Raahe is a treasure with smooth everyday life just an hour’s drive south of Oulu. In the second largest city of North Ostrobothnia, the residents are well looked after, basic services have been invested in and everyday life is relaxed. Affordable and easy housing options for a wide range of needs can be found in Raahe’s spacious and peaceful countryside landscape as well as in the town centre with a sea view. We have nature close by, a wide range of leisure activities and fast fibre-optic Internet connections that allow you to work remotely from anywhere in the town.

Go on a five-star holiday that lasts a lifetime! Kalajoki is a cosy little town on the shores of the Bothnian Bay, conveniently located along Highway 8. An international and relaxed vibe characterises our town, with permanent residents from over 30 different countries. Here, closeness to nature, safety, ease of living, and the many activities of a holiday destination with its cafés and restaurants, meet functional welfare services. In winter, the ski tracks and icy expanses invite you to go outdoors. Everything is nearby. Fall in love with Kalajoki – we will personally help you with your relocation plans.

Pyhäjoki can rightly be called one of the most energetic municipalities in Finland. Pyhäjoki is the largest wind power municipality in Finland with a capacity of over 500 megawatts. The beautiful Pyhäjoki region is known for its diverse waterways, from rocky seashores to lush estuaries and lakes rich in fish. And to ensure an active life from a young age, Pyhäjoki has an entrepreneurship-oriented upper secondary school.

Welcome to enjoy an active life in Siikajoki! Making everyday life easier for our residents and supporting children’s growth are important values for us. Life is care-free in a safe, caring and stimulating environment. Clean nature, beautiful river landscapes, the sea with its sandy beaches and bogs rich in berries offer year-round experiences for residents and visitors alike. Siikajoki already has many entrepreneurs and there is room for more. Be part of our story!

Oulainen is the welfare centre for the entire southern region of Oulu, home to the Oulaskangas hospital, Taukokangas service centre, one of the campuses of the Oulu University of Applied Sciences as well as three secondary schools of the Jokilaakso joint municipal authority for education. There are 1,200 jobs in the welfare sector and more than 1,000 study places for higher and upper secondary education. Oulainen is known for its culture, such as the Veteraanikonepäivät festival showcasing old vehicles and machines, and the Oulainen Music Week festival. There are plenty of job vacancies in industry and in the service and welfare sectors. The train line between Helsinki and Oulu has a stop in Oulainen.

Alavieska is located on the idyllic Kalajoki river, around twenty kilometres from the sea. We take an open-minded approach to finding solutions for comfortable living and thriving business and organise our services in a sustainable way that promotes the well-being of locals and the region’s vitality. We are an entrepreneur-friendly municipality, known for our strong agriculture, wood and metal industries, and our original, vibrant villages and culture.

Merijärvi is an upbeat small municipality that has invested in the conditions for a good life.
People who work in larger neighbouring municipalities are happy to live here. We have zoned affordable sites for housing, each with access to efficient fibre-optic Internet, and we invest in basic services. A new daycare and pre-school building serves the youngest family members. Community spirit and activity are reflected in our year-round events. Unlike the rest of Ostrobothnia, Merijärvi is characterised by its beautifully hilly terrain, crossed by the Pyhäjoki river with its majestic rapids.
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